Undergraduate Minor Degree Programs
Athletic Coaching
Credit hours: 21
Description: Prepares future sport coaches with fundamental training in both theoretical and practical aspects of sport coaching.
Top Majors: Business Administration, Journalism & Mass Communications, Student Athletes
Best place to start: PEP 480 - Principles of Coaching
For more information: https://coehs.unm.edu/departments-programs/hess/sport-administration/minor-athletic-coaching.html

Bilingual Education
Credit hours: 27-30
Description: Prepares pre-service teachers for a Bilingual endorsement on a NM teacher license.
Top Majors: Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Early Childhood Licensure
Best place to start: LING 2110: Intro Study Lang & Linguistics
For more information: https://catalog.unm.edu/catalogs/2022-2023/colleges/education-human-sciences/language-literature-sociocultural-studies/undergraduate-program.html

Community Health Education
Credit hours: 18
Description: Prepares students to address the health problems of the 21st century, emphasizing principles of prevention and promotion of health within a multicultural and multilevel context.
Top Majors: Liberal Arts, Communication & Journalism, PT/OT, Dental Hygiene, Nursing, online students
Best place to start: HLED 2150: Found of Health Ed
For more information: https://coehs.unm.edu/departments-programs/hess/health-ed/index.html

Family & Child Studies
Credit hours: 18
Description: Prepares students to promote the optimal well-being of families and individuals, recognizing that characteristics and needs of families change across the lifespan and within multiple and diverse contexts.
Top Majors: Psychology, Criminology, Sociology, Communication, Pre Med, BA/MD, Nursing
Best place to start: FCST 1120, FCST 2130 (minor elective AND in gen ed core)
For more information: https://catalog.unm.edu/catalogs/2022-2023/colleges/education-human-sciences/family-child-studies/undergraduate-program.html

Human Services
Credit hours: 18
Description: Introduces students to the study and practice of Human Services and provides information about careers in fields including counseling, marriage and family therapy, social work, and other social service professions to persons interested in the human services disciplines and paraprofessionals who never received formal training in human service delivery.
Top Majors: Psychology, Sociology, Online & AOP students
Best place to start: COUN 1110: Intro to Human Services, COUN 1120: Intro to Helping Skills
For more information: http://online.unm.edu/online-degrees/minors/human-services.html

Nutrition & Dietetics
Credit hours: 15
Description: Complements major study in a wide variety of disciplines.
Top Majors: Pre Med, BA/MD, Population Health, Biology, Nursing
Best place to start: NUTR 2110: Human Nutrition
For more information: https://coehs.unm.edu/departments-programs/ifce/nutrition/minor-nutrition.html

Special Education
Credit hours: 20
Description: A non-teaching minor for those wishing to be competent and caring professionals who serve individuals with exceptionalities and their families.
Top Majors: Psychology, Liberal Arts, Speech & Hearing Sciences
Best place to start: SPED 2110: Intro to Students with Exceptionalities
For more information: https://coehs.unm.edu/departments-programs/spcd/special-education-program/undergraduate-minor.html

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Credit hours: 15 + prereqs
Description: Prepares people to teach TESOL to adults domestically or abroad. It also leads to a TESOL endorsement on a NM teacher license.
Top Majors: Linguistics, Spanish, Languages
Best place to start: LING 2110: Intro Study Lang & Linguistics
For more information: https://coehs.unm.edu/departments-programs/spcd/special-education-program/undergraduate-minor.html