POLLEN (Promoting our Leadership, Learning and Empowering our Nations): EdD Cohort

Our doctoral cohort has produced 12 graduates who earned their Ed.D. (50% graduated with distinction) in four successive cohorts.
Four doctoral recipients are now tenure track professors at major research universities.
Fourteen of our cohort members have published educational research in journals, books, and other publications.
Twenty of our cohort members have presented indigenized leadership research at national and international conferences.
Two of our cohort members have co-authored a book on Indigenized Leadership with faculty members.
Ninety-two percent of our cohort members are female and 75% of our cohorts are members of the Navajo Nation.
Our cohorts’ cumulative grade point average is 3.80.
Cohort Information
The POLLEN Ed.D. Cohort (formerly known as the Native American Leadership in Education) demonstrates UNM’s commitment to Native American education in tribal, rural, and urban communities. Our holistic based education curriculum embraces spiritual, mental, physical, and social well-being attributes that are much needed in Native Institutions, schools, and communities. The POLLEN Ed.D. Cohort addresses the unique needs of communities in the P-20 pathway while increasing the number of Native American leaders across the education spectrum in New Mexico, nationally, and internationally.
Program of Study
Selected cohort members will complete 30 credits of required coursework, 18 credits of electives, apply 24 credit hours previous graduate work to the program of studies, and complete a minimum of 18 dissertation credits. Please visit the Educational Leadership Program website for more detailed information about the required coursework.
The POLLEN Ed.D. Cohort framework is based on a holistic Indigenous Leadership Corn Pollen model, which encompasses spiritual, mental, physical, and social well-being attributes with an additional 12 sub-pillars. Courses are specifically designed with Indigenous based leadership concepts and mainstream leadership practices that promote the overall balance in purpose, mind, body, and relationships.
Eligibility Requirements
You are eligible to apply to this program if you meet the following criteria:
- Hold a Master’s degree from a regionally accredited college/ university in education or related field of study.
- Commit to serving and contributing to the
education and well-being of a Native American school,
college, program, or organization. - Three Letters of recommendation: preferably a Tribal leader, professor, and supervisor; one is required from a supervisor.
- An original 5-7 page writing sample highlighting transformational leadership in Native education.
- UNM Educational Leadership Program Biographical form and updated resume or curriculum vitae.
Highlights and Opportunities
- Cohort members will take part in a doctoral orientation and induction process.
- Each course is Indigenous research focused. Faculty advisor that will provide support during the doctoral process.
- Opportunities to present and share educational experiences and research at local, state, tribal, national, and international conferences.
- Courses are offered through blended online and face to face instruction. Students must commit to attend one monthly weekend on campus for courses.
Read the POLLEN EdD brochure here.
UNM POLLEN Program Leadership Framework

Note: The course content is centered on Indigenous perspectives.
- LEAD 505-Visionary Leadership for Learning
- LEAD 601-Perspectives on Native Leadership
- LEAD 650-Native Leadership as Researcher
- LEAD 692 (3 credits)-Workshop in Doctoral Student Success
- LEAD 603-Introduction to Data Analysis for Native Organizational Leaders
- LEAD 605-Qualitative Research in Education
- LEAD 607-Analyzing Qualitative Data
- LEAD 609-Quantitative Methods for Analyzing and Transforming Native Organizations
- LEAD 593-Rural and Urban Native Leadership
- LEAD 610-Organizational Change: Theory and Process in Native Communities
- LEAD 692 (3 credits)- Workshop in Dissertation Preparation for Native American scholars
- LEAD 693 - Practicum in Higher Education Teaching
- LEAD 602-Indigenous Leadership in Education and Community Contexts
- LEAD 611-Community Learning as Leadership
- LEAD 634-Native Education, Politics, and Policy
- LEAD 635-Legal and Fiscal Underpinnings of EducationalEquity for Native Americans
- LEAD 699-Dissertation (18 credits)
Dr. Shawn Secatero, (Canoncito Band of Navajo), Associate Professor, and POLLEN Coordinator, (505) 277-6018 (ssecater@unm.edu)
Dr. Allison M. Borden, Professor Emerita, (aborden@unm.edu)
Dr. Patrick López, Educational Leadership Program Coordinator (plopez5@unm.edu)
Dr. Russ Romans, Educational Leadership Senior Lecturer III (ruromans@unm.edu)
Dr. Yann Lussiez, Assistant Professor, (ylussiez@unm.edu)
Bingsheng Chen, POLLEN Research Assistant, (bchen2021@unm.edu)
Bernard Chimoni, Graduate Assistant, (bchimoni2022@unm.edu)
Students admitted into the POLLEN ED.D. program must meet all requirements for admission into the University and the College of Education and Human Sciences (COEHS) Educational Leadership program. UNM COEHS faculty will provide hands-on guidance and support for candidates that meet the required qualifications.
Submit a UNM Graduate School Admissions
Packet Website: www.unm.edu/apply
Contact : UNM TEELP Program Manager Educational Support; 505-277-0513 or TEELP@unm.edu

- Call for Applications: November 15, 2024
- Application Packet Deadline: February 1, 2025
- Review of Applications: February 1, 2025 - February 15, 2024.
- ZOOM Interviews for finalists: February 16, 2025— March 1, 2025
- Acceptance Notifications: March 2, 2025
- ZOOM Orientation: To be announced in May 2025
- Coursework begins: June 2025.
UNM TEELP Program Manager Educational Support; 505-277-0513 or TEELP@unm.edu
POLLEN Program Coordinator: Shawn Secatero, Ph.D. (Canoncito Band of Navajo) Associate Professor
UNM Teacher Education, Educational Leadership Program
Hokona Zuni Hall Room 388
MSC05 3044
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, N.M. 87131
Phone: (505) 277-6018
FAX: (505) 277-0455
“Nine Indigenous scholars started our educational doctoral (Ed.D.) journey in 2022 at UNM that has provided many leadership opportunities to represent our Indigenous communities and UNM at the local, state, regional, and national educational conferences. Using a truly strength-based Corn Pollen Model that perpetuates a holistic leadership model and learning how to implement the Corn Pollen Model in educational leadership, including the epistemology of Indigenous elders relating to spiritual, mental, physical, and social well-being, has been inspiring, motivating, and empowering. The sacred symbol of corn in Indigenous cultural lifeways is inspiration for this holistic framework to promote success and well-being for Indigenous youth for today and for the future. Thank you, Dr. Secatero for your continued resiliency in Indigenous teaching and leadership to promote Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination in Indigenous education. I am honored to serve and will continue to give back to our Indigenous communities. Elahkwa, thank you."
Bernard Chimoni, M.ED., (Zuni)
Doctoral Student in Educational Leadership
Department of Teacher Education and Educational Leadership and Policy
University of New Mexico College of Education and Human Sciences