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Masters for Teachers Virtual Information Sessions!

Tuesday, September 9th, at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom 

You are invited to join faculty from the UNM College of Education & Human Sciences to learn about the various Master's programs we offer to advance career!

Register Now!

Educational Leadership Graduate Certificates

The Educational Leadership, EdS Certificate is fully online!

Application Deadline

Spring Semester: October 1
Fall Semester: March 1

Applicants must hold a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership or a complementary field. The overall mission and purpose of our work is to prepare and support future educational leaders who support the students, teachers, schools, districts, families and institutional of higher learning in New Mexico. We carry out this mission with particular attention to infusing all the Core Values of the College into our program: advocacy, building professional identities, collaboration and relationships, dignity, diversity and social justice, scholarship and research, and teaching and learning all in the rich context of New Mexico.

brianna kowalski

“The Educational Leadership program at UNM prepared me for leadership opportunities I never imagined I would be ready for. Through this program, I was able to build a Student Success Center at my school from the ground up and have become a more confident and skillful leader in the process. The Educational Leadership program helped me gain a better understanding of what it takes to be a great leader and how to build positive relationships with your school’s administration team and leaders in your district. UNM’s professors challenged me to think outside the box and were always available to answer questions or give advice. The online aspect of this program provided great flexibility for a full time educator and I wouldn’t have been able to complete this program without that opportunity. I am eternally grateful for the doors the UNM Educational Leadership program has opened.”

Brianna Kowalski

UNM Educational Leadership Graduate, December 2021 

Application Process

In addition to University requirements for graduation, students must successfully complete a leadership project and exit assessment.

Admission Procedures for International Students:

All international applicants must complete two steps in order to be admitted to the Educational Leadership Program.

Educational Leadership Listserv

To sign up for the Ed Leadership Listserv, send an email message to:

  2. Leave the subject field blank
  3. In the body of the message type the following information only:
    Subscribe EDLEADGROUP-L Firstname Lastname (your first and last name)
  4. Hit send

Graduation Processes

Leading New Mexico in Educator Preparation and Research

The overall mission and purpose of our work within the Teacher Education, Educational Leadership & Policy Department is to prepare and support teachers, teacher educators and teacher leaders who support the children and families of New Mexico. Read more about our Mission and Core Values.

Professional Licensure Disclosure

Our program has determined it meets professional licensure requirements in the state of New Mexico. It has not determined it meets professional licensure requirements in any other state.