Wellbeing at School and at Home in New Mexico (WASH NM)
An offering to New Mexicans from the faculty and students of the Department of Individual, Family and Community Education.
- Fresh Starts -- January 2022
- Transitions -- October 2021
- Refresh -- July 14, 2021
- Identities -- June 9, 2021
- Caregivers -- May 19, 2021
- School's In -- April 14, 2021
- Anniversaries -- March 17, 2021
- Extended Family -- February 17, 2021
- Elders -- January 20, 2021
- Food, Glorious Food! -- December 16, 2020
- Genuine Gratitude -- November 18, 2020
- The Masks We Wear -- October 14, 2020
- Back to the Basics -- September 30, 2020
- Embrace the Outdoors -- September 16, 2020
- Taking Care of Yourself: The Pumpkin Spice Issue -- September 2, 2020
- Back to Schooling for Teachers and School Staff – August 19, 2020
- Back to Schooling for Students and Families – August 5, 2020
- Careers, Back to Work, and Childcare – July 15, 2020
- Relationships – July 1, 2020
- Marking What Matters – June 17, 2020
- Home-summering – June 3, 2020

The faculty and students of the Department of Individual, Family and Community Education in the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of New Mexico would like to offer to all New Mexicans thoughts, ideas, and resources from ourselves and our areas of study and work -- counseling, educational psychology, family & child studies, and nutrition -- to enlighten, soften, and aid the COVID-19-related transitions. We intend to make this offering monthly, each with a theme relevant to our times.
As coronavirus effects on our lives continue, we are realizing that we face not a pause in our realities to which we will soon spring back but a new reality entirely. We held our breath, put our collective and individual heads down, and gutted it out so far. Now, we face the marathon, not a sprint, of placing ourselves, our children and families, our work selves -- everything -- into this new normal. In these changes, we owe ourselves and those around us opportunities to note and to grieve the losses, big and small, and we also owe it to ourselves and others opportunities to see and seize and solidify the gains. Some of these changes have been good! We’ve (re)discovered simple pleasures like baking, walks, family meals, reading, laughing together. Some of the changes have been among the hardest we’ve faced. We’re in need of new and better coping skills, and, with tensions running high, we need new and better conflict resolution strategies, too. Even simple interactions aren’t simple these days! With informed reflection and action throughout this time, we can all improve our Wellbeing at School and at Home in New Mexico.
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