American Indian Educator Mentor Program

A new initiative providing support for New Mexico American Indian undergraduate students pursuing a teaching degree in elementary or secondary education.
The American Indian Educator Mentor Program (AIEMP) was established to increase the number of New Mexico American Indians teaching in New Mexico public schools and to provide a support network that will enable individuals to successfully complete teacher preparation programs.
The project provides stipends to enable students to complete their coursework, attend inter-session and summer institutes facilitated by American Indian faculty in the College of Education, and receive on-going advisement and mentoring from faculty and college advisors. Preparing for the New Mexico State Teacher Examination will be a capstone support activity for all graduating students.
Who is eligible to apply?
- Must be a member of a New Mexico tribe.
- UNM enrolled students in their 3rd or 4th year of a Teacher Education Program in the College of Education & Human Sciences.
- Individuals who have completed coursework in teacher education but who have not yet taken the State Teacher Examination.
- Individuals who have taken courses in teacher education but who are not officially enrolled in a program of studies leading to a teaching degree.
For more information, contact:
Benjamin Fletcher, Program Coordinator: (505-277-9601)
Download the Spring 2020 AIEMP Application
Deadline for submission is January 31, 2020.
Conferences and Professional Development Opportunities
46th Annual NMABE Conference - February 10-12, 2020
Multicultural learning- A proven pathway rooted in our heritage, language, and culture
NMAEYC Conference - March 6-7, 2020
The New Mexico Association for the Education of Young Children (NMAEYC)

Alexandra Romancito
Zuni Pueblo
Secondary Education, B.A.
Spring 2015

Sandra Sandoval
Torreon, NM
Early Childhood Education, B.S.
Spring 2015

Cody Jeff
Navajo Nation
Elementary Education, B.S.
Fall 2016