Educational Linguistics Faculty
Melissa Axelrod
Emeritus Professor, Linguistics
- Education:
- University of Colorado at Boulder
- Telephone:
- 505-277-6353
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- Native American languages, morphology, semantics, and language revitalization programs
- Courses:
- LING 322/522 Grammatical Analysis
LING 334/534 Language and Gender
LING 413/513 Linguistic Field Methods

Pisarn Bee Chamcharatsri
Program Coordinator, Educational Linguistics
Associate Professor, Bilingual/TESOL
- Education:
- Ph.D., Composition and TESOL, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 245
- Telephone:
- 505-277-2345
- E-mail:
- CV:
- Download PDF
- Background:
- Taught English Language in High School in Bangkok, Thailand, for four years; Taught Listening and Speaking, Research Writing, and Arts of presentation at Bangkok University for three Years before coming to attend the graduate school in the U.S.
- Research Interests:
- Emotions, Second Language Writing, Composition Studies, Adult TESOL Learners, Teacher Training, Identity Construction, Literacy, and World English’s
- Courses:
- Identity Construction of Adult TESOL Learners
Pedagogy in Teaching Adult TESOL Learners
Paul Edmunds
Research Assistant Professor, Speech & Hearing Sciences and Linguistics
- Education:
- University of New Mexico
- Telephone:
- 505-277-7539
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- Phonetics, prosody, speech intelligibility, language acquisition, language teaching, TESOL program development and administration
- Courses:
- SHS 303 Phonetics
SHS 310 Anatomy & Physiology of Human Communication
SHS 330 Introduction to Communication Science
Cristyn Elder
Associate Professor, English – Rhetoric and Composition
- Education:
- Purdue University
- Telephone:
- 505-234-6229
- E-mail:
- Background:
- writing program administration, composition and writing center theory and practice, working with multilingual writers, and writing across the curriculum.
- Research Interests:
- Courses:
- ENGL 240 Traditional Grammar
ENGL 534 Composition Theory
ENGL 419 Visual Rhetoric
Chris Holden
Assistant Professor, UNM Honors College
- Education:
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Telephone:
- 505-277-4306
- E-mail:
- Website:
- Research Interests:
- Games and Learning, Place-Based Learning, Design-Based Research, Augmented Reality Mobile Games
- Courses:
- UHON 302 Games For Change
UHON 401 Local Games in ABQ
Tanya Ivanova-Sullivan
Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Literatures
- Education:
- The Ohio State University
- Telephone:
- 505-277-4771
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- L1, L2 and heritage acquisition, language processing, Slavic morphosyntax and semantics, discourse studies, intercultural communication

Carlos LópezLeiva
Interim Department Chair;
Associate Professor, Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies; Bilingual/TESOL
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 292
- Telephone:
- 505-277-7260
- E-mail:
- CV:
- Download PDF
- Background:
- TESOL, elementary, and secondary school teacher in Guatemala; TESOL instructor, math club coordinator, and research fellow at the Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinas/os (CEMELA) in Chicago.
- Research Interests:
- Social construction of culturally and linguistically diverse learners; dis/ability construction and positioning; social dimension of teaching, learning, and doing mathematics in different environments; critical pedagogy; identity development of Latinas/os and/or Hispanics as bilingual speakers and as doers of mathematics; mathematization processes; and practitioner and participatory action research.
- Courses:
- Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Elementary School; Integrating Mathematics, Science, & TESOL; Education Across Cultures of the Southwest; Curriculum Development in Multicultural Education; The Teaching of Reading in the Bilingual Classroom (La Enseñanza de la Lectura).
Holbrook Mahn
Professor, Bilingual/TESOL Program Coordinator, Bilingual/TESOL Program Coordinator, Educational Linguistics
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of New Mexico
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 212
- E-mail:
- Background:
- Taught high school in inner city schools in Los Angeles for five years before coming to UNM.
- Research Interests:
- TESOL literacy and language acquisition; Vygotskian theory; professional development for practicing teachers.
- Courses:
- Second Language Literacy; Teaching English as a Second Language; Literacy Across Cultures; Educating Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students; Vygotsky Seminar.
Lois Meyer
Emeritus Professor, Bilingual/TESOL
- Education:
- Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, UCLA
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 267
- E-mail:
- Background:
- TESOL/Bilingual teacher, program coordinator, and curriculum specialist in California and Mexico; professor of elementary education, San Francisco State University.
- Research Interests:
- Second language acquisition; bilingualism and bilingual education; teacher preparation and curriculum development for linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms; language policy in Mexico and the U.S.; the ethnography of indigenous bilingual education in Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Courses:
- TESOL Methods; History and Theory of Bilingual Education; Curriculum Development for Multicultural Education; Seminar in Issues of Language and Literacy.
Jill Morford
Professor, Linguistics
- Education:
- University of Chicago
- Telephone:
- 505-277-6353
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- Signed language acquisition & processing, bilingual and second language acquisition & processing, Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC), reading & deafness
- Courses:
- LING/PSYCH 560: Child Language
LING/PSYCH 566: Psychology of Bilingualism
LING/PSYCH 569: Experimental Psychology
LING/PSYCH 568: Psycholinguistics of Gesture & Signed Languages
Barbara Rodriguez
Associate Professor, Speech & Hearing Sciences
- Education:
- University of Washington
- Telephone:
- 505-277-9728
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- Bilingual language and literacy development, bilingual phonological development
- Courses:
- SHS 459 Multicultural Considerations in Communication
SHS 506 Reading/Writing in Speech and Hearing Sciences
Eva Rodríguez-González
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
- Education:
- University of Kansas
- Telephone:
- 505-277-5907
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- Second language acquisition, psycholinguistics, bilingualism, foreign language pedagogy, classroom-based language learning, cognitive approaches to language acquisition.
- Courses:
- SPAN541 Recent Research on the Teaching of Spanish
SPAN549 Language Learning Classroom Research
Julia Scherba de Valenzuela
Associate Professor, Special Education
- Education:
- University of Colorado at Boulder
- Telephone:
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- bilingual special education, including (a) issues of equity and access for CLD students with disabilities; (b) the communication and language development of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) individuals, especially those with complex support needs; (c) disproportionate representation; and (d) assessment of English language learners
- Courses:
- SPCD 511: Social Construction of Disability
SPCD 560: Introduction to Bilingual/Multicultural Special Education
LLSS 568: Alternative Assessment of English Language Learners
Barbara Shaffer
Professor, Linguistics
- Education:
- University of New Mexico
- Telephone:
- 505-277-6353
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- Signed language linguistics, modality, grammatization, language acquisition, deaf education, and interpreting theory
- Courses:
- SIGN 411: Consecutive Interpretation
SIGN 412: Simultaneous Interpreting
SIGN 419: Practicum in Signed Language Interpreting
Christine Sims
Associate Professor, Educational Linguistics/American Indian Education
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of California Berkeley
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 216
- Telephone:
- 505-277-3175
- E-mail:
- Background:
- Joint appointment with LLSS and Linguistics.
- Research Interests:
- Keresan languages; language policy and planning; language pedagogy.
- Courses:
- Issues in Language Literacy Sociocultural Studies; Curriculum Development Native American communities; Language & Education in SW Native American Communities.
Emma Trentman
Assistant Professor of Arabic, Foreign Languages and Literatures
- Education:
- Michigan State University
- Telephone:
- 505-277-4771
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- Language and intercultural learning during study abroad and telecollaboration, genre-based approaches in the Arabic classroom, acquisition of sociolinguistic variation and diglossia, multilingual approaches to language learning, identity and language learning, ideologies of language learning, Arabic language pedagogy.
Erin Wilkinson
Associate Professor, Linguistics
- Education:
- University of New Mexico
- Telephone:
- 505-277-6353
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- Signed language linguistics, signed language typology, language change, and bilingualism
- Courses:
- SIGN 305 Signed Language Linguistics
Damián Vergara Wilson
Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese
- Education:
- University of New Mexico
- Telephone:
- 505-277-5907
- E-mail:
- Research Interests:
- historical linguistics, sociolinguistics and sociology of language and the use of these areas of study to support and inform the field of teaching of Spanish as a heritage language in the Southwest. Also research using usage-based theories of linguistic representation as accounting for language change and variation.
- Courses:
- SPAN 479 History of the Spanish Language
SPAN 541 Recent Research on the Teaching of Spanish
SPAN 547 Seminar in Southwest Spanish
SPAN 549 Seminar in the Language of Spain or Spanish America