The program administrator is located in the LLSS Department office on the first floor of Hokona Hall (Room 140), near the UNM Hospital; most faculty offices are on Hokona’s second floor. The Linguistics Department is located on the fifth floor of the Humanities Building in the center of the UNM campus; faculty offices, as well as a graduate student computer lab, are located on the first floor of Humanities. The Linguistics Department office maintains a mailbox for each graduate student in Educational Linguistics. Be sure to check your mailbox regularly for special notices or for any mail that may be directed to you through the department.
The research environment is further enriched each year by a colloquium series sponsored by the Linguistics department featuring prominent scholars from around the world and informal brown bag lunch talks at which faculty and graduate students report on their research. The two sponsoring departments also typically have several visiting scholars each year who enliven the scholarly interchange.
Zimmerman Library (http://library.unm.edu/about/libraries/zim.php) located between LLSS and Linguistics, houses exceptional collections in both education and linguistics. A College of Education & Human Sciences graduate student services and study area on the main level of the Student Success Center located in Travelstead Hall is available to Educational Linguistics students. The Linguistics Department offers a small departmental library and a pleasant study area. The departmental library operates on the honor system for checking out books. This library also serves as a social and study area for graduate students. All Educational Linguistics students may secure keys to the library from the Linguistics department administrator.
Computer Facilities: UNM’s Information Technology Services (ITS) provides computing and data communication services and support for the academic and administrative communities at UNM, including a variety of computer labs located throughout campus (http://it.unm.edu/). The College of Education & Human Sciences Technology and Education Center ( http://tec.unm.edu/) also provides computer facilities and services available to Educational Linguistics students. Educational Linguistics students also have ready access to the recording facilities of the Language Learning Center (http://llc.unm.edu/), which includes a state-of-the-art signed language laboratory.