Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies Faculty & Staff
Pisarn Bee Chamcharatsri

Program Coordinator, Educational Linguistics
Assistant Professor, Bilingual/TESOL
- Education:
- Ph.D., Composition and TESOL, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 245
- Telephone:
- 505-277-2345
- E-mail:
- CV:
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- Background:
- Taught English Language in High School in Bangkok, Thailand, for four years; Taught Listening and Speaking, Research Writing, and Arts of presentation at Bangkok University for three Years before coming to attend the graduate school in the U.S.
- Research Interests:
- Emotions, Second Language Writing, Composition Studies, Adult TESOL Learners, Teacher Training, Identity Construction, Literacy, and World English’s
- Courses:
- Identity Construction of Adult TESOL Learners
Pedagogy in Teaching Adult TESOL Learners
Aijuan Cun

Assistant Professor, Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
- Telephone:
- 505 277- 5887
- E-mail:
- CV:
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- Research Interests:
- Early Literacy; Family and Community Literacies; Literacy Practices of Immigrant and Refugee Families
Ashley Dallacqua

Assistant Professor, Literacy and Language Arts
- Education:
- Ph.D., Adolescent, Post-Secondary, and Community Literacies
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 209
- Telephone:
- 505-277-9610
- E-mail:
- CV:
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- Background:
- I taught fifth grade for seven years; I also earned a Masters in Drama, Language Arts, Literacy, and Reading.
- Research Interests:
- My research focuses around multimodal and multimedia literacies, specifically in, but not limited to an academic setting. I am particularly interested in literacies and literacy as a social practices and what those practices afford readers and their learning environments. My work also considers how to support teachers striving towards new ways of operating with literacy, taking into account the arts, drama, and visual culture. Much of my research has been focused on the medium of graphic novels.
- Courses:
- Children’s Literature, Adolescent Literature, Literacy Across the Content Areas
Armando Garza Ayala
Assistant Professor, Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of Texas at San Antonio
- Office:
- Hokona Hall Zuni Rm. 144B
- Telephone:
- 505 277- 7244
- E-mail:
- CV:
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- Research Interests:
- Mathematics education and academic success of minoritized student populations.; Bilingual/biliteracy development of Latina/o/x students and families; Identity of Latina/o/x K-20 students, including pre- and in-service teachers.
Carlos LópezLeiva

Interim Department Chair;
Associate Professor, Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies; Bilingual/TESOL;
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 292
- Telephone:
- 505-277-7260
- E-mail:
- CV:
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- Background:
- TESOL, elementary, and secondary school teacher in Guatemala; TESOL instructor, math club coordinator, and research fellow at the Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinas/os (CEMELA) in Chicago.
- Research Interests:
- Social construction of culturally and linguistically diverse learners; dis/ability construction and positioning; social dimension of teaching, learning, and doing mathematics in different environments; critical pedagogy; identity development of Latinas/os and/or Hispanics as bilingual speakers and as doers of mathematics; mathematization processes; and practitioner and participatory action research.
- Courses:
- Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Elementary School; Integrating Mathematics, Science, & TESOL; Education Across Cultures of the Southwest; Curriculum Development in Multicultural Education; The Teaching of Reading in the Bilingual Classroom (La Enseñanza de la Lectura).
Glenabah Martinez

Program Coordinator, Educational Thought and Sociocultural Studies;
Associate Professor, Educational Thought and Sociocultural Studies
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 206
- Telephone:
- 505-277-6047
- E-mail:
- CV:
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- Background:
- Rio Grande High School social studies teacher; former director and instructor of Native American Studies at UNM; curriculum writer.
- Research Interests:
- Critical educational studies; historical literacy; Indigenous studies.
- Courses:
- Sociocultural Foundations of Education; Sociology of Education; History of Education; Native American Studies; Secondary Social Studies Methods; School and Society; Comparative Education.

Tryphenia Peele-Eady
Associate Professor, Educational Thought and Sociocultural Studies
- Education:
- Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University, Anthropology and Linguistics
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 210
- Telephone:
- 505-277-0437
- E-mail:
- Background:
- Elementary classroom teacher; ethnographer.
- Research Interests:
- Qualitative and ethnographic research; education of African American children in school and non-school community settings; teaching and learning practices in the African American community.
- Courses:
- Introduction to Qualitative Research Mehods; Advanced Qualitative Research Methods; Education and Arican American Children; Education and Anthropology; Ethnography; Discourse Analysis.
Mary Rice

Associate Professor, Literacy
- Education:
- Ph.D., Curriculum & Teaching, University of Kansas
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 222
- Telephone:
- 505-277-0807
- E-mail:
- CV:
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- Background:
- Junior high teacher-taught English language arts, reading support, and TESOL classes; Taught/supervised preservice teachers in district-sponsored migrant summer school program for grades K-12; Supported adjuncts and staff developers to teach TESOL endorsement classes; Research associate at the Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities at the University of Kansas.
- Research Interests:
- New Material intersections of literacies, identities, and agencies in digitized settings; Culturally responsive assessment of literacies, policy making for literacies, post-digital entanglements. Narrative inquiry and Self-study of teacher education practices (S-STEP).
- Courses:
- Reading and Writing Digital Texts, Writing Pedagogies, Post-humanist Perspectives on Language and Literacy
Christine Sims

Associate Professor, Educational Linguistics/American Indian Education
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of California Berkeley
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 216
- Telephone:
- 505-277-3175
- E-mail:
- Background:
- Joint appointment with LLSS and Linguistics.
- Research Interests:
- Keresan languages; language policy and planning; language pedagogy.
- Courses:
- Issues in Language Literacy Sociocultural Studies; Curriculum Development Native American communities; Language & Education in SW Native American Communities.
Yoo Kyung Sung
Associate Professor, Literacy and Language Arts Program Coordinator, Literacy and Language Arts
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of Arizona
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 208
- Telephone:
- 505-277-1411
- E-mail:
- Background:
- Early childhood educator; children's literature and media specialist.
- Research Interests:
- Politics in children's literature; cultural studies; immigration literature and young readers; ideology and identity in language studies; postcolonial studies and children’s literature; translation studies and international children’s literature.
- Courses:
- Children’s Literature; Seminar in Children’s Literature.
Vincent Werito

Associate Professor, American Indian Education;
Program Coordinator, American Indian Education
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of New Mexico
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 201
- Telephone:
- 505-277-1832
- E-mail:
- Background:
- Elementary & Secondary education Teacher, Navajo Language Teacher, Language & Cultural Resource teacher, Native American Studies, Native American History and Navajo Curriculum Writer/Developer, Native Language assessment development, and Navajo and Indigenous Education.
- Research Interests:
- Dine Education, Dine Language, Indigenous Pedagogy, Critical Indigenous Theory, Indigenous Language revitalization, Indigenous Research, Critical Race Theory, Critical Pedagogy, Multicultural Education, decolonization, and Transformative educational Models.
- Courses:
- Issues in American Indian Education, History of American Indian Education, Education Across Cultures of the Southwest, Topics in Navajo Bilingual Education Curriculum development, and Teaching the Native American Child.
LLSS Staff
Tina Aranda

Coordinator, Academics
- Office:
- Hokona Hall, Zuni Wing, Rm. 142
- Telephone:
- 505-277-6997
- E-mail:
Miranda Y. Jeantete

Department Administrator
- Office:
- Hokona Hall, Room 141
- Telephone:
- 505-277-5282
- E-mail:
Emeritus Faculty
Rebecca Blum Martinez
Professor, Bilingual/TESOL Director, Latin American Programs in Education (LAPE)
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of California Berkeley
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 248
- Telephone:
- 505-277-4972
- E-mail:
- CV:
- Download PDF
- Background:
- TESOL/Bilingual teacher in New Mexico and Mexico.
- Research Interests:
- Bilingualism; second language acquisition; language maintenance and use in immigrant and indigenous communities.
- Courses:
- TESOL Methods; Research Issues in Bilingual Classrooms & Communities; 1st & 2nd Language Development; La Ensenanza de la Lectoescritura; Naturalistic Inquiry; Dual Language Immersion Programs.
Greg Cajete
Professor, American Indian Education Director of Native American Studies
- Education:
- Ph.D., International College Los Angeles
- Office:
- Mesa Vista Hall 3080
- E-mail:
- Background:
- Secondary and adult education; social science education.
- Research Interests:
- Indigenous science/culturally based curricula; arts in education; multicultural environmental education; creative teaching/learning; transformational education.
- Courses:
- Environmental Science for the Elementary Teacher; Science in Native American Education; Art in Native American Education; Educational Foundations of Native American Studies; Teaching the Native American Child; American Indian Leadership Studies and the Building of Native Nations; The Culturally-Based Curriculum; Theoretical Models of Curriculum for Community and Environmental Renewal; The Pedagogy of Native American Games.
Holbrook Mahn
Professor, Bilingual/TESOL;
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of New Mexico
- Office:
- Hokona Hall 212
- E-mail:
- Background:
- Taught high school in inner city schools in Los Angeles for five years before coming to UNM.
- Research Interests:
- TESOL literacy and language acquisition; Vygotskian theory; professional development for practicing teachers.
- Courses:
- Second Language Literacy; Teaching English as a Second Language; Literacy Across Cultures; Educating Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students; Vygotsky Seminar.
Lois Meyer
Professor, Bilingual/TESOL
- Education:
- Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, UCLA
- E-mail:
- Background:
- TESOL/Bilingual teacher, program coordinator, and curriculum specialist in California and Mexico; professor of elementary education, San Francisco State University.
- Research Interests:
- Second language acquisition; bilingualism and bilingual education; teacher preparation and curriculum development for linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms; language policy in Mexico and the U.S.; the ethnography of indigenous bilingual education in Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Courses:
- TESOL Methods; History and Theory of Bilingual Education; Curriculum Development for Multicultural Education; Seminar in Issues of Language and Literacy.
Rick Meyer

Regents' Professor; Professor, Literacy and Language Arts
- Education:
- Ph.D., University of Arizona
- E-mail:
- CV:
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- Background:
- Reading; taught primary grades for 16 years; grades 4-6 and high school teaching experience (Upward Bound Program).
- Research Interests:
- Emerging literacy, school-based inquiry; teacher study groups; written language; intertextuality; politics of teaching and learning.
- Courses:
- Family Literacy; Reading Seminar; Written Language Development; Critical Literacy; High Desert Writing Project director/instructor for coursework.