Karla Kingsley, PhD
Associate Professor, Educational Technology
- Hokona Hall 289
- 505 277-1625
- karlak@unm.edu
- http://unm.academia.edu/KarlaKingsley

Dr. Kingsley earned her MA and Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. She has been teaching instructional technology and educational computing for 28 years; currently she serves on the editorial boards for three scholarly journals: Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Intervention in School and Clinic, and the Journal of Multicultural Praxis. She has worked as a computer programmer, instructional designer, director of information management training, and educational consultant.
http://www.ncte.org/assemblies/list#SLAMResearch & Scholarly Interests
- Digital game-based learning
- Media literacy education
- Aesthetically-oriented multiliteracies/new literacies for 21st century learning
- Digital critical pedagogy
- Interactive participatory approaches to equity and social justice
- Technology for authentic instruction, learning, and assessment
- Culturally relevant/sustaining pedagogy
- EDUC/MSET 570 Digital Game-Based Learning,
- EDUC/MSET 571 Multimedia Literacy for Educators,
- EDUC 500 Research Methods in Education,
- EDUC 502 Advanced Instructional Strategies,
- EDUC 400 Student Teaching,
- EDUC 590 Masters Seminar,
- MSET 365 Technology Integration for Effective Instruction
Special projects/initiatives
- Kellogg START Grant: Participatory, Interactive, Professional Development (PIPD) at Pajarito Elementary and G.I. Sanchez Community School
- National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE) Studies in Multimedia and Literacy (SLAM) Assembly Secretary and founding member
- Cyberbullying/bullying prevention professional development initiatives with K-12 Teachers
- Institute for the Study of “Race” and Social Justice Board Member; UNM COE Graduate Committee Chair
- LGBT Education Group (LEG) Founding member