2012 Graduate Colloquium
The Fifteenth Annual Graduate Student Colloquium will be held on Tuesday, March 20 from 11:30am until 8:00pm in the Student Union Building.
This year's keynote speaker will be Lily Wong Fillmore, a well known and respected scholar in the areas of bi-lingual education and second language learning.
Graduate Student Colloquium Presentation Proposals from COE at UNM on Vimeo.
Invitation for Proposals
Dear College of Education Graduate Students,
We are writing to invite you to submit a proposal to present at the College of Education Fifteenth Annual Graduate Student Colloquium. This event will take place on TUESDAY MARCH 20, 2012. The schedule for the day will be a luncheon for graduate students with this year’s keynote speaker, Lily Wong Fillmore from 11:30 to 12:45, presentations from 1:00 until 5:50 and a dinner and keynote address from 6:00 to 8:00. The location is the Student Union Building (SUB).
The Graduate Student Colloquium is a half-day symposium and a wonderful opportunity for you to share your research, professional practice, models, conceptual ideas etc. in a highly supportive environment before a small appreciative audience of your peers and faculty. The presentation can be a completed project or a work in progress.
The proposal form with submission guidelines is attached. As you will see, you can select from a variety of presentation formats: posters, roundtables, panels as well as individual and group presentations. Please note that the DEADLINE for proposal submission is MONDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2012.
If you are a teacher and wish to present or attend, there will be some funding to cover the cost of a half-day substitute. Please see the proposal guidelines for how to request funding.
Please feel free to contact either of us if you have any questions about the Colloquium. We hope you will decide to participate!
Deborah Rifenbary, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development
College of Education
Michael Verrilli, Graduate Student Colloquium Coordinator
COE GPSA President