PETE PhD Student Receives Doctoral Scholar Award

Martin Vasquez, PhD student in the PETE program, was awarded the Doctoral Scholar Award from the American Kinesiology Association.
This award recognizes outstanding doctoral students across all disciplines within Kinesiology (exercise physiology, motor learning and development, sport psychology, sport management, physical activity and cognition, athletic training, and physical education teacher education.
Martin's research is focused on understanding the socialization experiences of ethnically diverse teachers in physical education and employs critical race theory with occupational socialization theories to explain how Latino/a and American Indian individuals are socialized into teaching and experience teacher preparation programs and schools as workplaces.
Martin successfully defended his dissertation on April 2, 2024 (with distinction) and will graduate in May 2024.
Congratulations to Dr. Vasquez on this prestigious award and for providing exceptional national visibility to the PETE PhD program.