Alumni & Donors
Why Give to the College of Education & Human Sciences?
We cannot do our work in the College without caring and generous donors like you. We focus on the well-being of the whole child, and your gifts make this work possible in areas from the classroom to counseling to nutrition and physical fitness.
The current high level of interest in education provides great challenges and opportunities for the College. Too many children in New Mexico are not able to reach their full potential. The stakes have never been higher.
We must attract and prepare the very best students. We must train them to be successful when working with diverse populations including vulnerable children and families. We must continue to apply research into practice in order to improve child well-being and academic achievement. Your gifts support all of this work.
From educational leadership to policy to nutrition and many other areas, the UNM College of Education & Human Sciences stands beside children and their families. We have a special responsibility to the State of New Mexico. We welcome your continued partnership with us.